Be Their Voice | Voice of Rescue

Calling All Adorable Dogs...

Written by Nicole Jackson | Monday, December 29, 2014

DECEMBER 28, 2014

We all know you have the most adorable dog known to man... now get 'em on a magazine cover!


It's no surprise we all think we have the cutest pup out there, but DogsNaturally is giving everyone the chance to put those dashing good looks to use and get on the cover of their magazine.

All you have to do is submit your photo using an easy form and wait for their call!  May the cutest win!  But let's face it - if you consider starting the day with a plethora of dog hairs on your clothes and ending it with some slobbery kisses winning... we're all winners here, really.

Click here to enter your pooch.

*Per DogsNaturally, professional photographs are welcomed but you must own the photo or have permission to enter it.