Sometimes being good at our job means knowing when to delegate, DIY or just copy something that seems to be working really well for someone else. Thus is the art of reusing the wheel. Or, realigning it in the words of writer Anthony J. D'Angelo.
In the technology industry, there's a dilemma that most companies face as they grow. Do you buy an out-of-the-box solution that meets most but not all of your needs, or do you spend huge sums of money to build something custom that you'll need to maintain forever?
Well, when we're talking about foster applications, kennel cards and home visit checklists, I think it's okay to reuse the wheel. Many groups have made this information accessible and reusable for your purposes. Before spending too much time brewing an elaborate plan, do some research and see if you can't find the resource online already. Tweak it to your needs over time as you learn what works for you and what doesn't.
Remember, we're all working towards a common goal. The more we share with each other the further we get in working towards that goal.
Let's consider an emergency situation and an animal in need of saving right now. They've got hours left on their hold at the shelter before they are euthanized. A poorly detailed post is the difference between life and death. Yes, you're writing skills and ability to clearly communicate information can save lives.
As a shining example of What To Do, mustlovecatsnyc created a template full of relevant information on saving cats from death row. They use it consistently to eliminate as much confusion as possible. Per their Facebook story,
"Our page posts the cats that are scheduled for euthanasia at the NYC Animal Care Centers... We race against the clock, as these cats don't have much time left. Time is extremely critical."
They have put the time in up front to give you as much information as possible so as to save time for their audience and streamline the process. Major kudos to you, mustlovecatsnyc, you are an inspiration!
Time to reuse the wheel! What need-to-know or good-to-know information would benefit your audience?
